Monday, 21 November 2011

Horror Movies

     I love horror movies,I really do.But most people say that horror movies are bad for you, not just that there bad for your health.

     When i was 9 years old I loved horror movies and books.And whenever I watched a horror movie I couldn't sleep.Then I when I was 11 I was scared of everything.I thought that someone was watching me all the time! And then I realized that my mom was right, that I shouldn't watch horror movies and there bad for you.But don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to tell you to stop watching horror movies, I'm just saying there bad for you.
     I did a research and found out that horror movies CAN cause a heart attach or cardiac arrest.
It usually effects people with heart problems and pregnant women. It especially effects little kids , they get scared and paranoid.

So what did we learn today? That horror movies are bad for your health

Top 10 horror movies of all times:
10.Night of the living dead-
9.The Texas chainsaw massacer
8.Rosemary's Baby
7.Bride of Frankenstein
6.The shining
5.Silence of the lambs
1.The exorcist

Question: What's your favorite movie? Leave a comment.
Mine is probably The Exorcist.


  1. me again! have you tried:


    happy reading

